The Wild Rumpus

Parenting and family, served with a shot of vodka

EOTW: A new pair of boobies

It’s about that time, y’all: A new Embarrassment of the Week, courtesy of my darling Sweet Pea, 3.

Last week, I had a few hours of alone time during which I went bra shopping.

Not the most exciting way to spend free time, but when you consider the alternative — bra shopping with a first grade boy and preschooler — it was absolutely the best possible use for the time.

Sweet Pea refers to my bras as “a pair of boobies.” Ask her, and she’ll tell you I have pink, blue and black boobies.

So when I got home from the bra excursion, she was extremely interested in seeing my new goods, and kept saying how much she liked them. Because her and Superhero have been learning about allowances and money lately, she asked how much they cost. I told her bras were around $40 unless you get them on sale.

New boobies!

She then asked if she could get some boobies soon, and if the $6 she has in her Frozen wristlet was enough.

I told her there was plenty of time for that when she got older, and she cheerfully replied, “OK!” and went about her playing.

End of story? I wish.

Later than afternoon, we went to the playground, which was moderately crowded with people on their way to a library concert across the street.

As I pushed her on the swing, she yelled, “Mommy, I just LOVE your new boobies! They are so big and pretty! How many money dollars do I need for new boobies again?”

Good times.

4 comments on “EOTW: A new pair of boobies

  1. Kerrie
    September 1, 2015

    Love this! Kids say the funniest things. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maisy Fernandez
      September 1, 2015

      I think hearing their funny thoughts are one of the best parts of being a parent. Even if it is a bit embarrassing from time to time. 🙂


  2. Nina Rayfield Tate
    September 2, 2015

    I just peed my pants a little!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maisy Fernandez
      September 5, 2015

      Yeah, I can hardly wait to run into one of those people again. 🙂


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